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Photo de Grffith
  • Jeux joués: 34
  • Total des victoires: $17,027.76
  • Buy-in moyen: $255.15
  • Plus grand Buy-in: $1,000.00
  • ITM %: 26,47
  • Bénéfice total: $8,352.76
  • Bénéfice moyen: $245.67
  • RSI moyen %: 96.29

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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
$5,000 Daily Deepstack [Freezeout] 4 -$29.00 -58 -$116.01 $50.00 25 1/3
$7,000 Daily [R&A] 3 $564.19 1880.64 $1,692.58 $30.00 33,33 1/2
$20,000 Sunday Deepstack 3 -$215.00 -100 -$645.00 $215.00 0 0/3
$15,000 Sunday Turbo 3 $1,271.02 508.41 $3,813.07 $250.00 66,67 2/1
$30,000 Sunday 6-Max 3 -$50.00 -15.62 -$150.00 $320.00 33,33 1/2

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
05/06/2024 $25,000 Sunday BIG Freezeout $467.00+$33.00 2/66 $5,763.71
05/19/2024 $15,000 Sunday Turbo $233.00+$17.00 2/58 $3,774.60
05/20/2024 $25,000 Sunday BIG Freezeout $467.00+$33.00 4/63 $2,824.41
05/14/2024 $7,000 Daily [R&A] $27.30+$2.70 1/101 $1,782.58
05/19/2024 2 Seats GTD to the Sunday High-Roller 6-Max [Turbo] $50.00+$5.00 1/29 $1,000.00

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
05/20/2024 $20,000 Sunday Saver [Turbo] $233.00+$17.00 13/69 $0.00
05/20/2024 $25,000 Sunday BIG Freezeout $467.00+$33.00 4/63 $2,824.41
05/20/2024 $30,000 Sunday 6-Max $300.00+$20.00 15/77 $810.00
05/19/2024 $50,000 Sunday High-Roller 6-Max $950.00+$50.00 30/39 $0.00
05/19/2024 $15,000 Sunday Turbo $233.00+$17.00 2/58 $3,774.60
05/19/2024 $100,000 Sunday Major $91.00+$9.00 130/563 $0.00
05/19/2024 2 Seats GTD to the Sunday High-Roller 6-Max [Turbo] $50.00+$5.00 1/29 $1,000.00
05/19/2024 $20,000 Sunday Deepstack $200.00+$15.00 51/98 $0.00
05/19/2024 $10,000 Sunday Kick-off $50.00+$5.00 53/181 $0.00
05/18/2024 $15,000 Weekly Friday $233.00+$17.00 14/49 $0.00
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