Infos sur le tournoi : The Big $20, $3,500 Gtd

Poker Stars.nj


NL Hold'em, Sit & Go

Tournoi commencé

juin 27, 2020 15:00



Buy-In + Frais

$18,20 + $1,80

Prize pool

$3 512,60
1 Alysheebet $622.69 21 blackart1990 $29.85 41 PandaJoe16 $0.00 61 AdamIsASimp $0.00 81 BENZBMW $0.00
2 NJCardinals328 $622.69 22 Pdegids $29.85 42 Mr. Green881 $0.00 62 GrayFox130 $0.00 82 ephesianpaul $0.00
3 pegleg87 $396.92 23 cosm15 $29.85 43 blev11 $0.00 63 Stapes121 $0.00 83 BLUFF-THISSS $0.00
4 lipmas93 $298.57 24 TraderSteven $29.85 44 oceangurl2 $0.00 64 njstella14 $0.00 84 Schmoocows09 $0.00
5 Bauer313x $203.73 25 woofman123 $29.85 45 HanSlowroll $0.00 65 Leo&Ruca $0.00 85 r_burke49 $0.00
6 AnthonyNJ88 $158.06 26 JJSharpe12 $29.85 46 asremb $0.00 66 auh1980 $0.00 86 TpocketT $0.00
7 LOLiBluffed $122.94 27 nesteve $29.85 47 timmy2toke $0.00 67 KKristAAps $0.00 87 Mummy's Bitch $0.00
8 soju111 $87.81 28 DaBirds23 $26.34 48 irishcby $0.00 68 GForce78NJ $0.00 88 repodart $0.00
9 kaitav $66.73 29 kebyA2 $26.34 49 aces1040 $0.00 69 fulhamup $0.00 89 mmtruesaw $0.00
10 CHIEFACC $56.20 30 iHak201313 $26.34 50 BigAl07094 $0.00 70 Rhino609 $0.00 90 PWDRDtstMAN $0.00
11 maxplans323 $56.20 31 DucksterSrJr $26.34 51 222GINO $0.00 71 bsjdota2 $0.00 91 General7MC $0.00
12 ygun9179 $56.20 32 LEW_UNGER_NJ $26.34 52 BarberJon69 $0.00 72 whiteppl LOL $0.00 92 SGTPowell $0.00
13 cromba $47.42 33 $tikz4682 $26.34 53 Namdrahsirhc $0.00 73 ShooterSean77 $0.00 93 BloodfromCPT $0.00
14 AJM1302 $47.42 34 bgtpoker $26.34 54 REALDEVIL $0.00 74 vster711 $0.00 94 SureGreatness $0.00
15 mrshark3 $47.42 35 plato103027 $26.34 55 cbone42 $0.00 75 phillies1158 $0.00 95 uabms3 $0.00
16 blackwido9 $38.63 36 apoch19 $26.34 56 lrb1024 $0.00 76 SuperBadReg $0.00 96 TommyToks $0.00
17 SleepyNJ $38.63 37 Drsnap31 $0.00 57 tsax20 $0.00 77 pokerypf0102 $0.00 97 Baker6184 $0.00
18 ved415 $38.63 38 sandmad $0.00 58 ryan012983 $0.00 78 nigock $0.00 98 The Tevlinator $0.00
19 badmanpeople $29.85 39 bubbabear58 $0.00 59 RaiderJoeNJ $0.00 79 CosmoDaytona $0.00 99 22885 $0.00
20 SM426 $29.85 40 McCarnuts84 $0.00 60 runningbad73 $0.00 80 nuttedd $0.00 100 Luckydog765 $0.00