Infos sur le tournoi : Spin of the Day All-in Shootout, €500 added



NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Tournoi commencé

juillet 11, 2019 08:00



Buy-In + Frais

€0,00 + €0,00

Prize pool

1 assotto22 €100.00 21 cecilia7115 €5.00 41 Naza1394 €2.50 61 burton.trick €2.50 81 mn.moldy15 €0.00
2 jacku01 €50.00 22 STAFFDEN €5.00 42 djombra €2.50 62 canemolly €2.50 82 whitehole07 €0.00
3 perla1154 €25.00 23 ClaudioT1988 €5.00 43 4bastoni €2.50 63 to-233 €2.50 83 El Cera 76 €0.00
4 condemi96 €25.00 24 roxen510 €5.00 44 cammello79 €2.50 64 DragonXQuest €2.50 84 Carlo_Soad €0.00
5 roby64544 €15.00 25 cecsxwonka €5.00 45 Teatino80 €2.50 65 lucfabri €0.00 85 vincenzo9104 €0.00
6 Raviolo88 €15.00 26 Sicilia74 €5.00 46 Puzzanica €2.50 66 gianluca0710 €0.00 86 andreea2631 €0.00
7 theking2875 €15.00 27 FeMlove €5.00 47 #roby23/2016# €2.50 67 luciaver €0.00 87 tedafel'foip €0.00
8 vale1987cs €15.00 28 Coccinelle22 €5.00 48 Freschneider €2.50 68 cameracaffe €0.00 88 maylen203 €0.00
9 Taniussss98 €10.00 29 mauroflash €5.00 49 alecar2327 €2.50 69 Fedexs127 €0.00 89 marianoke92 €0.00
10 badeablues €10.00 30 larota89 €5.00 50 GianlucaLR €2.50 70 ska81 €0.00 90 cindarell121 €0.00
11 pramsi62 €10.00 31 fiveminut106 €5.00 51 miw18 €2.50 71 leonardo8681 €0.00 91 marinaio1996 €0.00
12 YulBrynner79 €10.00 32 fra22x €5.00 52 kimiko84 €2.50 72 MARIOlnn €0.00 92 TRITATUTTO90 €0.00
13 nicolae26011 €10.00 33 WingSoul €2.50 53 titti85gv €2.50 73 ilfausto €0.00 93 daniellanza1 €0.00
14 OrtoMio99 €10.00 34 FILIPPO3187 €2.50 54 ilmarinaio80 €2.50 74 vikingo1912 €0.00 94 BlackBoook €0.00
15 RoCKnrOooOLL €10.00 35 pepi940 €2.50 55 Brianb98 €2.50 75 robbettino91 €0.00 95 perseo5385 €0.00
16 alexf95817 €10.00 36 lusitan78 €2.50 56 seb71990 €2.50 76 Streecabrot €0.00 96 geppovee €0.00
17 model303 €5.00 37 FRarazaza €2.50 57 ESENGABLU €2.50 77 flyer068 €0.00 97 antobetti1987 €0.00
18 ilgrandepozen €5.00 38 mercuzio6 €2.50 58 GIUSY20671 €2.50 78 solima666 €0.00 98 Clubbers91 €0.00
19 Scherzingen €5.00 39 D.Dessi €2.50 59 mauri56410 €2.50 79 mash972 €0.00 99 wuorwik €0.00
20 leggend one €5.00 40 fabio83277 €2.50 60 richlosmafrone €2.50 80 hormuz8 €0.00 100 GIOALGHERO €0.00
Suivant Dernier