Infos sur le tournoi : 5 Seat Freeroll to the $20,000 Weekly Sunday



NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Tournoi commencé

avril 15, 2018 21:00



Buy-In + Frais

$0,00 + $0,00

Prize pool

$1 000,00
1 Hectorchans3 $200.00 21 deigo $0.00 41 SleepTite $0.00 61 coconut $0.00 81 withlove89 $0.00
2 bigbluff32 $200.00 22 j_voss $0.00 42 YoursTruly88 $0.00 62 mjlivingston $0.00 82 TonySand23 $0.00
3 PokerBull197 $200.00 23 goodwood $0.00 43 JonBlvze $0.00 63 W0wz3r $0.00 83 Poxits $0.00
4 Rebel85 $200.00 24 basicplay $0.00 44 wutbeatswut $0.00 64 Ilivenearu $0.00 84 LVChessKing $0.00
5 OICURMT $200.00 25 DroppinDimes $0.00 45 mamut $0.00 65 iPaqPower $0.00 85 helionic $0.00
6 AIRIC $0.00 26 Enrique1925 $0.00 46 Tewright1787 $0.00 66 stuckonluck7 $0.00 86 kl352 $0.00
7 Feng999shui $0.00 27 Xmanz $0.00 47 UrDrawinDead $0.00 67 voffvoffvoff $0.00 87 happyhabit55 $0.00
8 Fortunedio $0.00 28 reddog2112 $0.00 48 SteadyStackn $0.00 68 Kevin1965 $0.00 88 LARRYTTT $0.00
9 ArchieV8 $0.00 29 BShriever5 $0.00 49 ALTABLOCK $0.00 69 BLKLAV $0.00 89 wasabirush $0.00
10 bodysnatcher $0.00 30 Impervious $0.00 50 willionaire $0.00 70 rsnmike $0.00 90 dahani $0.00
11 roberts34 $0.00 31 Durden $0.00 51 Hellas2004 $0.00 71 djy4478 $0.00 91 oldsport $0.00
12 respeckt $0.00 32 freezer $0.00 52 BL42024 $0.00 72 olim2005 $0.00 92 FlipFlop47 $0.00
13 ophilly24 $0.00 33 hanumonji $0.00 53 JDSTYLES $0.00 73 asianguyaces $0.00 93 FreerollMe $0.00
14 JeremyGreat $0.00 34 Adelica84 $0.00 54 Targusista $0.00 74 CYHAWK $0.00 94 tHrOwMeAbOnE $0.00
15 TheElectric $0.00 35 AllinAllen $0.00 55 pokerdlr70 $0.00 75 djvegas $0.00 95 SuzyQ $0.00
16 FenixX $0.00 36 313Pride $0.00 56 ning_King $0.00 76 peacefulrain $0.00 96 JQPoker $0.00
17 DrakeGOAT420 $0.00 37 joanna444 $0.00 57 xnucleus $0.00 77 Alucard $0.00 97 butters $0.00
18 SickBeats $0.00 38 bmpeee $0.00 58 opclv $0.00 78 Oh2Suckout $0.00 98 UnrealFeel $0.00
19 diane $0.00 39 dallasdirty $0.00 59 tsk.tsk $0.00 79 HwynKn $0.00 99 supertight $0.00
20 kidyahtzee $0.00 40 FUBAR420 $0.00 60 nearprefect $0.00 80 Treebacca120 $0.00 100 Flopzilla $0.00