
Photo de tophe002
  • Jeux joués: 598
  • Total des victoires: €1,234.65
  • Buy-in moyen: €2.83
  • Plus grand Buy-in: €50.00
  • ITM %: 26,09
  • Bénéfice total: -€460.67
  • Bénéfice moyen: -€0.77
  • RSI moyen %: -27,17
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Pocket up to €1,000 in no time! [Hyper-Turbo] 257 -€0.12 -12,06 -€31.00 €1.00 31,13 80/177
Freeroll 147 €0.01 0 €1.55 €0.00 7,48 11/136
Play as many free Sit&Gos as your heart desires and win real cash! Click on this button to claim you 77 €0.01 0 €0.88 €0.00 35,06 27/50
Pocket up to €10,000 in no time! [Hyper-Turbo] 31 €1.61 16,13 €50.00 €10.00 45,16 14/17
Texas Holdem freeroll tournament with €50 added! [Hyper-Turbo] 27 €0.00 0 €0.04 €0.00 7,41 2/25

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
08/13/2015 Hold'em €4.50+€0.50 4/140 €67.50
07/28/2013 Pocket up to €10,000 in no time! [Hyper-Turbo] €0.00+€10.00 1/3 €60.00
08/02/2013 Pocket up to €10,000 in no time! [Hyper-Turbo] €0.00+€10.00 1/3 €60.00
08/09/2015 Déglingos €1.80+€0.20 1/107 €59.81
01/15/2017 Expresso €23.25+€1.75 1/3 €50.00

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/21/2017 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 3851/3756 €0.00
07/17/2017 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 2054/5976 €0.00
02/28/2017 MiniRoll €0.22+€0.03 115/450 €0.00
02/15/2017 KILL THE FISH €0.90+€0.10 848/1257 €0.00
01/29/2017 LAST CALL €18.00+€2.00 93/166 €0.00
01/27/2017 Hold'em [180 Max] €0.90+€0.10 147/169 €0.00
01/27/2017 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 3517/7654 €0.00
01/26/2017 Expresso €0.93+€0.07 1/3 €2.00
01/26/2017 LA FIEVRE €9.00+€1.00 2429/2348 €0.00
01/26/2017 Déglingos €4.50+€0.50 49/51 €0.00