
Photo de taliho0077
  • Jeux joués: 2095
  • Total des victoires: 62,158,397,566.00
  • Buy-in moyen: 27,152,596.66
  • Plus grand Buy-in: 250,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 27,92
  • Bénéfice total: 5,273,707,566.00
  • Bénéfice moyen: 2,517,282.85
  • RSI moyen %: 9,27
Résultats par # jeux joués
Résultats par date (ligne)
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Big 100M, 1.5B Chips Gtd 305 16,338,688.52 16,34 4,983,300,000.00 100,000,000.00 29,84 91/214
Hot 10M, 500M Chips Gtd 300 -683,000.00 -6,83 -204,900,000.00 10,000,000.00 24,67 74/226
Big 25M, 1B Chips Gtd 295 18,728,813.56 74,92 5,525,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 40 118/177
Hot 25M, 1.25B Chips Gtd 150 -8,140,000.00 -32,56 -1,221,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 25,33 38/112
Hot 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 102 12,852.94 1,29 1,311,000.00 1,000,000.00 35,29 36/66

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
02/13/2022 Big 100M, 1.5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/34 1,544,900,000.00
03/07/2022 Big 100M, 1.5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/23 1,412,600,000.00
12/20/2021 Big 100M, 1.5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/23 1,342,300,000.00
07/13/2021 Big 100M, 1.5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/20 1,227,200,000.00
04/04/2021 Big 100M, 1.5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/19 1,227,200,000.00

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/01/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 92/65 0.00
06/25/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 118/76 0.00
06/21/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 5/84 8,190,000.00
06/18/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 102/72 0.00
06/03/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 79/75 0.00
05/03/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 3/80 10,830,000.00
04/25/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 12/65 2,560,000.00
04/24/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 35/68 0.00
04/22/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 62/75 0.00
04/20/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 49/94 0.00