
Photo de Mr.Vasya104
  • Jeux joués: 17
  • Total des victoires: $4.23
  • Plus grand Buy-in: $2.20
  • ITM %: 17,65
  • Bénéfice total: NOI
  • Bénéfice moyen: NOI
  • RSI moyen %: NOI
Position finale par % jeux joués
Série de victoires
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
High Roller Club: Daily Warm-Up Sat: $0.11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo, Freebuy], 1 Seat Gtd to $109 Deadline Sat 33 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/33
High Roller Club: Daily Warm-Up Sat: $0.11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo, Freebuy], 1 Seat Gtd to $55 Mega Sat 29 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/29
WCOOP 01-L [Phase 1] Sat: $0.11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo, Freebuy], 100 Seats Gtd 26 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/26
High Roller Club: Bounty Builder HR Sat: $0.11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo, Freebuy], 10 Seats Gtd to $5.50 Sat 24 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/24
High Roller Club: Bounty Builder HR Sat: $0.11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo, Freebuy], 5 Seats Gtd to $11 Sat 17 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/17

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
08/30/2021 $1.00 NL Hold'em [Turbo, Knockout] $0.88+$0.12 1/9 $3.86
11/23/2018 PokerStars Sochi $5K Freeroll $0.00+$0.00 422/3077 $2.15
11/17/2020 $0.10 NL Hold'em [360 Players, Turbo] $0.09+$0.01 19/360 $0.27
04/12/2020 $0.02 NL Hold'em [990 Players, Hyper-Turbo] $0.02+$0.00 47/990 $0.10
12/28/2021 FootyAccums Poker Festive Freeroll [Freebuy], £100 + 25 seats Gtd $0.00+$0.00 290/1901 $0.09