
Photo de micheal1777
  • Jeux joués: 3280
  • Total des victoires: 290,761,916,839.00
  • Buy-in moyen: 71,031,137.44
  • Plus grand Buy-in: 1,000,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 29,73
  • Bénéfice total: 57,779,786,039.00
  • Bénéfice moyen: 17,615,788.43
  • RSI moyen %: 24,8
Résultats par # jeux joués
Résultats par date (ligne)
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 544 68,018,014.71 68,02 37,001,800,000.00 100,000,000.00 37,68 205/339
Big 75M, 5B Chips Gtd 373 43,654,423.59 58,21 16,283,100,000.00 75,000,000.00 34,58 129/244
Big 5M, 750M Chips Gtd 316 4,858,512.66 97,17 1,535,290,000.00 5,000,000.00 24,05 76/240
The Supersonic 50M [6-Max], 2B Chips Gtd 148 43,883,108.11 87,77 6,494,700,000.00 50,000,000.00 27,7 41/107
The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 145 14,499,310.34 14,5 2,102,400,000.00 100,000,000.00 13,1 19/126

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/08/2020 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/72 2,106,000,000.00
12/13/2021 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/71 2,087,600,000.00
07/04/2023 Super Tuesday 250M, 10B Chips Gtd 220,000,000.00+30,000,000.00 4/58 2,069,000,000.00
09/15/2020 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/64 2,068,100,000.00
10/29/2020 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 1/73 2,049,600,000.00

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/13/2024 Mini Super High Roller 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 7/68 428,000,000.00
07/08/2024 The Supersonic 50M [6-Max], 2B Chips Gtd 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 27/39 0.00
07/06/2024 Mini Super High Roller 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 39/91 0.00
06/28/2024 The Freezeout 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 17/34 0.00
06/27/2024 Mini Super High Roller 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 29/68 0.00
06/26/2024 Super Tuesday 250M, 10B Chips Gtd 220,000,000.00+30,000,000.00 10/66 586,000,000.00
06/24/2024 The Supersonic 50M [6-Max], 2B Chips Gtd 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 25/34 0.00
06/22/2024 Super High Roller 1B, 25B Chips Gtd 880,000,000.00+120,000,000.00 17/34 0.00
06/22/2024 Mini Super High Roller 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 49/85 0.00
06/20/2024 Mini Super High Roller 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 37/64 0.00