
Photo de Djo-djo95
  • Jeux joués: 54
  • Total des victoires: €635.58
  • Buy-in moyen: €3.70
  • Plus grand Buy-in: €90.00
  • ITM %: 18,52
  • Bénéfice total: €435.61
  • Bénéfice moyen: €8.07
  • RSI moyen %: 217,84
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Freeroll 50€ Gtd 19 €0.05 0 €0.94 €0.00 26,32 5/14
The Major Freeroll 50€ Gtd 4 €0.00 0 €0.00 €0.00 0 0/4
Progressive KO 6-Max:{#P}50€ Gtd{#M} 2 -€0.46 -100 -€0.92 €0.46 0 0/2
Deepstack 6-Max:{#P}300€ Gtd{#M} 2 -€2.00 -100 -€4.00 €2.00 0 0/2
The Samourai:{#P}750€ Gtd{#M} 2 -€1.58 -87,5 -€3.15 €1.80 0 0/2

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/17/2021 The Terminator:{#P}2 000€ Gtd{#M} €8.00+€1.00 1/231 €430.82
08/01/2021 The Titan:{#P}10 000€ Gtd{#M} €80.00+€10.00 24/98 €146.25
04/07/2024 Progressive KO 6-Max:{#P}60€ Gtd{#M} €0.80+€0.10 1/66 €20.68
06/12/2022 Micro Series 102-SHR Super High Roller Phased Feeder:{#P}3 x 10€ Gtd{#M}(Hyper){#S} €1.35+€0.15 5/32 €9.95
11/07/2021 Powerfest #53-Mi PKO 7-Max:{#P}2 500€ Gtd{#M} €1.60+€0.20 29/765 €7.74

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
04/24/2024 The Major Freeroll 50€ Gtd €0.00+€0.00 234/1341 €0.00
04/20/2024 The MonsterStack 2:{#P}250€ Gtd{#M} €1.80+€0.20 143/126 €0.00
04/19/2024 Progressive KO 6-Max Fast:{#P}400€ Gtd{#M} €4.00+€0.50 17/74 €0.00
04/14/2024 The Major Freeroll 50€ Gtd €0.00+€0.00 518/1138 €0.00
04/14/2024 Progressive KO 6-Max Fast:{#P}150€ Gtd{#M} €0.80+€0.10 99/174 €0.22
04/14/2024 The Monster Stack 2:{#P}500€ Gtd{#M} €1.80+€0.20 21/177 €6.51
04/13/2024 The Major Freeroll 50€ Gtd €0.00+€0.00 376/848 €0.00
04/07/2024 Progressive KO 6-Max:{#P}60€ Gtd{#M} €0.80+€0.10 1/66 €20.68
04/06/2024 Progressive KO 6-Max:{#P}50€ Gtd{#M} €0.41+€0.05 88/98 €0.00
03/27/2024 Progressive KO 6-Max:{#P}60€ Gtd{#M} €0.80+€0.10 48/62 €0.00