
Photo de 88donald886
  • Jeux joués: 3331
  • Total des victoires: 51,336,161,100.00
  • Buy-in moyen: 17,023,212.25
  • Plus grand Buy-in: 500,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 24,98
  • Bénéfice total: -5,368,158,900.00
  • Bénéfice moyen: -1,611,575.77
  • RSI moyen %: -9,47
Résultats par # jeux joués
Résultats par date (ligne)
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Play Money No Limit Omaha Hi/Lo (500K) 317 -183,817.03 -36,76 -58,270,000.00 500,000.00 18,93 60/257
Big 10M, 1B Chips Gtd 184 -1,342,391.30 -13,42 -247,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 25,54 47/137
The Wild Wombat 5M, 250M Chips Gtd 165 2,764,060.61 55,28 456,070,000.00 5,000,000.00 37,58 62/103
Play Money No Limit Hold'em (50K+R) 143 357,506.99 715,01 51,123,500.00 50,000.00 39,16 56/87
Big 25M, 1B Chips Gtd 137 6,459,854.01 25,84 885,000,000.00 25,000,000.00 30,66 42/95

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
11/19/2021 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 2/65 1,534,200,000.00
01/29/2024 Australian Open 100M, 3B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 2/37 1,164,600,000.00
08/28/2021 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 4/97 1,163,200,000.00
08/29/2021 Big 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 4/81 980,000,000.00
12/29/2022 The Freezout 100M, 2B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 2/38 923,200,000.00

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/14/2024 The Supersonic 50M [6-Max], 2B Chips Gtd 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 18/41 0.00
07/14/2024 Big 50M, 3B Chips Gtd 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 6/66 199,000,000.00
07/13/2024 The Mini Freezeout 10M, 500M Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 77/95 0.00
07/13/2024 The Warm-Up 1M, 100M Chips Gtd 880,000.00+120,000.00 15/97 2,200,000.00
07/13/2024 The Wild Wombat 5M, 250M Chips Gtd 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 66/103 0.00
07/13/2024 The Valueraptor 5M, 250M Chips Gtd 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 54/83 0.00
07/13/2024 The Supersonic 50M [6-Max], 2B Chips Gtd 44,000,000.00+6,000,000.00 21/30 0.00
07/13/2024 Mini Super High Roller 100M, 5B Chips Gtd 88,000,000.00+12,000,000.00 47/68 0.00
07/12/2024 The Destructor 10M [Total Progressive KO], 1B Chips Gtd 8,800,000.00+1,200,000.00 12/85 8,800,000.00
07/07/2024 The Valueraptor 5M, 250M Chips Gtd 4,400,000.00+600,000.00 96/94 0.00