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Photo de kvas51
  • Jeux joués: 13
  • Total des victoires: $1.53
  • Plus grand Buy-in: $2.20
  • ITM %: 23,08
  • Bénéfice total: NOI
  • Bénéfice moyen: NOI
  • RSI moyen %: NOI

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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] 685 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 1,9 13/672
PokerSchool Open Skill League 271 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 2,21 6/265
Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] 114 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0,88 1/113
Open Poker League Div 3 Freeroll, $100 Added 78 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 33,33 26/52
Christmas Calendar Freeroll Frenzy, $1K Added 37 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/37

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
12/21/2017 All-In Shoot Out Day Freeroll, $50K Added $0.00+$0.00 23/19192 $190.34
07/28/2020 Stadium Series Fast Track [Rd 2/4]: $11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo], 2 Seats $10.78+$0.22 1/21 $109.00
06/14/2013 World Record Sat: Freeroll, Hyper Turbo [500 Seats Added] $0.00+$0.00 1/10000 $104.38
06/16/2013 World Record Sat: Freeroll, Hyper Turbo [500 Seats Added] $0.00+$0.00 1/10000 $100.81
07/14/2020 Stadium Series Heat 11-L Sat: $0.11 NLHE [Hyper-Turbo, Freebuy], 250 Seats Gtd $0.00+$0.00 1/4610 $11.09

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
12/28/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 3369/5000 $0.00
12/28/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 2668/5000 $0.00
12/27/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 3746/5000 $0.00
12/27/2015 PokerSchool Open Skill League $0.00+$0.00 9107/10000 $0.00
12/27/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 4535/5000 $0.00
12/27/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 2998/5000 $0.00
12/26/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 4126/5000 $0.00
12/26/2015 Weekly Round 2 - Saturday 6-Max $0.00+$0.00 7753/9005 $0.00
12/26/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 518/5000 $0.00
12/26/2015 Open Poker League Freeroll [CIS and Baltics] $0.00+$0.00 584/5000 $0.00
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