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Photo de SweetTabu
  • Notation: NA
  • Jeux joués: 4
  • Total des victoires: 0.00
  • Buy-in moyen: 1,000,000.00
  • Plus grand Buy-in: 1,000,000.00
  • ITM %: 0
  • Bénéfice total: -4,000,000.00
  • Bénéfice moyen: -1,000,000.00
  • RSI moyen %: -100
  • Table finale: 0
  • D'abord: 0
  • Deuxième: 0
  • Tiers: 0
  • Fins prématurées %: 25
  • Fins prématurées en milieu de partie %: 0
  • Fins en milieu de partie %: 50
  • Fins en milieu vers la fin de partie %: 25
  • Fins tardives %: 0

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Jeu Notation Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed NA 3 -1,000,000.00 -100 -3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0 0/3
Right to Play Charity Event, 5B Chips Guaranteed NA 1 -1,000,000.00 -100 -1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0 0/1

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
07/06/2014 Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 900,000.00+100,000.00 33/718 6,120,000.00
07/19/2014 1M Big Stack50M Chips Guaranteed 900,000.00+100,000.00 6/184 5,796,000.00
07/13/2014 Play Money - 1M Big Stack 50M Chips Guaranteed 900,000.00+100,000.00 11/202 3,454,000.00
12/03/2017 Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 880,000.00+120,000.00 170/1707 2,748,000.00
10/01/2017 Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 880,000.00+120,000.00 188/1572 2,656,000.00

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
04/07/2018 Right to Play Charity Event, 5B Chips Guaranteed 880,000.00+120,000.00 215/4878 0.00
01/28/2018 Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 880,000.00+120,000.00 549/1830 0.00
01/21/2018 Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 880,000.00+120,000.00 647/1746 0.00
01/07/2018 Sunday Billion: NLHE (1M), 1B Chips Guaranteed 880,000.00+120,000.00 1130/1724 0.00
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