Infos sur le tournoi : 10 Seats GTD to the C2C Main Event [2R1A, Turbo]



TURBO NL Hold'em, Multi Table

Tournoi commencé

mai 20, 2018 20:30



Buy-In + Frais

$45,50 + $4,50

Prize pool

$10 237,50
1 meandharpua $500.00 21 jykpoker $237.50 41 nikobellic99 $0.00 61 SlaweelRyam $0.00 81 lolwut $0.00
2 Pupush88 $500.00 22 davethedonk $0.00 42 ParaNormal $0.00 62 kimjongun $0.00 82 Gailums $0.00
3 Picklechipps $500.00 23 BagelBud $0.00 43 teplo22 $0.00 63 redraider $0.00 83 chilly24 $0.00
4 TULLYTIME14 $500.00 24 boom81boom $0.00 44 vigano $0.00 64 Silkworms $0.00 84 gettiltedb $0.00
5 azulciel $500.00 25 JingboSlice $0.00 45 grubbstest $0.00 65 cbinz $0.00 85 MisterKK $0.00
6 cclair517 $500.00 26 showtime43 $0.00 46 Nitr0 $0.00 66 vpplayer55 $0.00 86 flushoff11 $0.00
7 big.appl3 $500.00 27 Anonymous $0.00 47 Omni27 $0.00 67 LeftSid3 $0.00 87 bt1977 $0.00
8 stephhub31 $500.00 28 pagliacci $0.00 48 Professor2.0 $0.00 68 Robert1951 $0.00 88 kazimir1 $0.00
9 RCM77 $500.00 29 CharlieBrown $0.00 49 Thrash123 $0.00 69 Sharptop. $0.00 89 HowAboutThat $0.00
10 1UPM8 $500.00 30 JTHollywood $0.00 50 bhy101 $0.00 70 BlueTang $0.00 90 Pollux $0.00
11 AvonBarkz $500.00 31 xspacex $0.00 51 RedsoxNets5 $0.00 71 tgchef $0.00 91 olmuggins $0.00
12 nomercy03 $500.00 32 PowerKC $0.00 52 tomhammers $0.00 72 MoZZZZy $0.00 92 momar11 $0.00
13 WQ10R14 $500.00 33 y3nk0012 $0.00 53 40Visionz $0.00 73 Eddiegood598 $0.00 93 hennyhen $0.00
14 Jermz $500.00 34 abcDpkr $0.00 54 nowitsover $0.00 74 bucknaked64 $0.00 94 punal $0.00
15 smaulerg $500.00 35 waxygordon $0.00 55 mia1223 $0.00 75 JudgeBen $0.00 95 Billson $0.00
16 No_Xcape $500.00 36 Zdvol632 $0.00 56 tiltbox36 $0.00 76 DC214X6 $0.00 96 panaayush21 $0.00
17 Joesmoe $500.00 37 merlot $0.00 57 lasvegasjohn $0.00 77 Ktpetey19 $0.00 97 dime_nLounge $0.00
18 QQ_QQ $500.00 38 obiwin $0.00 58 Zoogs $0.00 78 Raisemebabes $0.00 98 SiParaTu $0.00
19 PickNPop21 $500.00 39 8Bracelets $0.00 59 barknuts $0.00 79 SetMining $0.00 99 Lucky2bme $0.00
20 VanillaGeise $500.00 40 nicefold $0.00 60 sumo56 $0.00 80 wilbur143 $0.00 100 aintnojoke $0.00