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Photo de Reinas34
  • Notation: 2
  • Jeux joués: 31
  • Total des victoires: €13.60
  • Buy-in moyen: €2.00
  • Plus grand Buy-in: €10.00
  • ITM %: 12,9
  • Bénéfice total: -€48.40
  • Bénéfice moyen: -€1.56
  • RSI moyen %: -78.06
  • Table finale: 0
  • D'abord: 0
  • Deuxième: 0
  • Tiers: 0
  • Fins prématurées %: 12,9
  • Fins prématurées en milieu de partie %: 6,45
  • Fins en milieu de partie %: 48,39
  • Fins en milieu vers la fin de partie %: 29,03
  • Fins tardives %: 3,23

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Jeu Notation Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Freeroll NA 163 €0.04 0 €6.96 €0.00 17,79 29/134
Freeroll NA 14 €0.00 0 €0.05 €0.00 7,14 1/13
KILL THE FISH 3 6 -€1.10 -54.83 -€6.58 €2.00 33,33 2/4
MONSTER STACK 2 6 -€0.25 -100 -€1.50 €0.25 0 0/6
KILL THE FISH 4 6 -€0.10 -38.67 -€0.58 €0.25 16,67 1/5

Recent Large Cashes

Started Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
04/26/2020 Birthday Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 1/4076 €81.87
01/19/2019 MONSTER STACK €9.00+€1.00 42/941 €29.49
01/27/2019 MONSTER STACK €4.50+€0.50 308/2284 €7.88
04/29/2020 DESPERADO €4.50+€0.50 452/2753 €6.13
07/07/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 6/4769 €5.31

Last 10 Poker Tournaments

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
12/31/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 1005/5316 €0.00
12/31/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 5332/5393 €0.00
12/31/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 1454/5725 €0.00
12/30/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 1672/4260 €0.00
12/26/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 6230/7282 €0.00
12/25/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 721/4199 €0.00
12/25/2020 KILL THE FISH €0.22+€0.03 169/258 €0.00
12/24/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 2574/3188 €0.00
12/24/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 1973/3112 €0.00
12/24/2020 Freeroll €0.00+€0.00 459/3817 €0.04
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