
Photo de veronica5300
  • Jeux joués: 177
  • Total des victoires: $150.97
  • Plus grand Buy-in: $16.50
  • ITM %: 10,73
  • Bénéfice total: NOI
  • Bénéfice moyen: NOI
  • RSI moyen %: NOI
Position finale par % jeux joués
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added 90 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/90
The League - Elementary - $10 Added 46 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 2,17 1/45
Freeroll PokerDicas Win the Button 46 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 0 0/46
Freeroll PokerDicas Zoom 45 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 4,44 2/43
Freeroll PokerDicas Hyper 6-Max 41 NOI NOI NOI $0.00 7,32 3/38

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
08/25/2019 $0.55 NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO], $750 Gtd $0.49+$0.06 2/1654 $42.10
09/07/2019 $5.50 NLHE [Heads-Up, Turbo, Zoom, Progressive Total KO], $6K Gtd $4.90+$0.60 47/1254 $30.01
09/07/2019 Bounty Builder $2.20 [Saturday Special], $10K Gtd $1.96+$0.24 312/7106 $21.93
08/28/2019 $3.30 NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO], $1.5K Gtd $2.94+$0.36 41/728 $12.32
09/11/2019 $1.10 NLHE [Progressive KO], $1.2K Gtd $0.98+$0.12 77/1666 $8.67

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
11/27/2019 $4.40 NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO], $2K Gtd $3.92+$0.48 691/721 $0.00
11/27/2019 $2.20 NLHE [Turbo, Progressive KO], $1.5K Gtd $1.96+$0.24 333/857 $0.50
11/26/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added $0.00+$0.00 1779/11307 $0.00
11/25/2019 Freeroll PokerDicas Zoom $0.00+$0.00 370/1410 $0.00
11/25/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added $0.00+$0.00 4040/12844 $0.00
11/24/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added $0.00+$0.00 5724/13017 $0.00
11/23/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added $0.00+$0.00 6761/12826 $0.00
11/21/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added $0.00+$0.00 2027/10812 $0.00
11/20/2019 Freeroll PokerDicas Win the Button $0.00+$0.00 957/1099 $0.00
11/20/2019 Spin of the Day All-In Shootout $1,000 Added $0.00+$0.00 2558/11046 $0.00