
Photo de kurtdeniro
  • Jeux joués: 34
  • Total des victoires: $975.37
  • Buy-in moyen: $30.81
  • Plus grand Buy-in: $88.00
  • ITM %: 17,65
  • Bénéfice total: -$72.13
  • Bénéfice moyen: -$2.12
  • RSI moyen %: -6,89
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
Bounty Hunter $33:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} 5 $11.20 37,34 $56.01 $30.00 20 1/4
Bounty Hunter $11:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} 2 -$8.75 -87,5 -$17.50 $10.00 0 0/2
Bounty Hunter $55:{#P}$3K Gtd{#M} 2 -$37.50 -75 -$75.00 $50.00 0 0/2
Classic $16.50:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} 2 $127.32 771,64 $254.64 $16.50 50 1/1
Powerfest #32-L: $10K Gtd [Deep, Turbo, 8-Max] 1 $17.63 160,27 $17.63 $11.00 100 1/0

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
09/25/2022 The 88:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M} $80.00+$8.00 7/67 $288.09
09/24/2022 Classic $16.50:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $15.00+$1.50 1/63 $287.64
09/28/2022 Bounty Hunter $33:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 2/32 $191.01
09/27/2022 The Gladiator:{#P}$25K Gtd{#M} $45.00+$5.00 60/481 $67.95
09/28/2022 Deepstack $22:{#P}$500 Gtd{#M}[Hyper, 6-Max]{#S} $21.00+$1.00 6/34 $58.30

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
02/17/2024 Daily Legends{#P}6-Max Deepstack Turbo:{#M}$1K Gtd{#S} $20.00+$2.00 52/55 $0.00
10/24/2022 Bounty Hunter $11:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $9.00+$1.00 76/77 $0.00
10/24/2022 Bounty Hunter $33:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 18/35 $7.50
10/23/2022 The Blade:{#P}$7K Gtd{#M} $18.00+$2.00 169/334 $0.00
10/20/2022 Bounty Hunter $11:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $9.00+$1.00 48/90 $2.50
10/17/2022 Bounty Hunter $33:{#P}$1K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 11/34 $0.00
10/16/2022 Super $55:{#P}$50K Gtd{#M} $45.00+$5.00 428/886 $0.00
10/16/2022 Super $22:{#P}$30K Gtd{#M} $18.00+$2.00 724/1306 $0.00
10/05/2022 The Clásico:{#P}$10K Gtd{#M} $20.00+$2.00 256/590 $0.00
09/30/2022 The Assassin:{#P}$8K Gtd{#M} $27.00+$3.00 265/305 $0.00