
Photo de kronos_bot
  • Jeux joués: 121
  • Total des victoires: $652.37
  • Buy-in moyen: $5.67
  • Plus grand Buy-in: $7.00
  • ITM %: 23,14
  • Bénéfice total: -$33.13
  • Bénéfice moyen: -$0.27
  • RSI moyen %: -4,83
Résultats par # jeux joués
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Jeu Jeux joués Bénéfice moyen RSI moyen % Bénéfice total Buy-In ITM % Gains/pertes
The Headhunter:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} 27 -$2.08 -41,58 -$56.13 $5.00 22,22 6/21
The Magnificent 7:{#P}$7K Gtd{#M} 25 $5.23 74,77 $130.85 $7.00 16 4/21
Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} 19 -$1.96 -39,23 -$37.27 $5.00 21,05 4/15
The Headhunter:{#P}$5K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} 13 -$3.10 -61,97 -$40.28 $5.00 15,38 2/11
Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$2K Gtd{#M} 10 -$2.01 -40,2 -$20.10 $5.00 20 2/8

Cashes importants récents

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
06/02/2021 The Magnificent 7:{#P}$7K Gtd{#M} $6.30+$0.70 4/976 $227.82
06/09/2021 The Magnificent 7:{#P}$7K Gtd{#M} $6.30+$0.70 44/955 $37.38
06/11/2021 The Magnificent 7:{#P}$5K Gtd{#M} $6.30+$0.70 31/915 $25.03
06/08/2021 Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} $4.50+$0.50 8/348 $22.66
07/06/2021 The Magnificent 7:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M} $6.30+$0.70 109/875 $22.12

Derniers 10 Tournois de poker

Terminé Tournoi Buy-In+Frais Rang Prix
08/21/2021 The Headhunter:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $4.50+$0.50 839/927 $0.00
08/21/2021 Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} $4.50+$0.50 62/344 $0.00
07/20/2021 The Magnificent 7:{#P}$7K Gtd{#M} $6.30+$0.70 419/847 $0.00
07/20/2021 The Headhunter:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $4.50+$0.50 157/963 $9.70
07/20/2021 Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} $4.50+$0.50 144/345 $0.00
07/19/2021 The Headhunter:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $4.50+$0.50 298/1008 $1.25
07/19/2021 Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} $4.50+$0.50 36/326 $10.21
07/14/2021 The Headhunter:{#P}$6K Gtd{#M}- Legend of the Week!{#S} $4.50+$0.50 628/1111 $0.00
07/14/2021 Bounty Hunter $5.50:{#P}$1.5K Gtd{#M} $4.50+$0.50 166/379 $0.00
07/12/2021 The Magnificent 7:{#P}$7K Gtd{#M} $6.30+$0.70 464/913 $0.00